祝大家農曆 新年快樂喔!


“Happy Lunar New Year ! “

明天是 農曆 新的一年了!

感謝大家不嫌棄 願意 與我互動 互相勉勵!






祝 大家 農曆 “新年快樂喔!”

“Happy Lunar New Year ! “

Tomorrow is the Chinese Lunar New Year!

Thank you all for not minding and

being willing to interact with me, mutually encouraging each other!

Xiao Ru has drawn a dragon-themed picture to express gratitude to all of you.

Wishing everyone a prosperous and

fortunate year of the “Dragon,” with wealth rolling in!

May wealth and prosperity be with you,

and may the whole family enjoy peace and

harmony in the year of the Dragon!

Wishing everyone

a happy Chinese Lunar New Year!


余曉如 (lucky小如) 2024.2.9日- AI 製作繪畫修改
部落格 http://www.lucky小如.tw/web/
臉書 https://www.facebook.com/yu.x.ru.3
粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/Yu.xiaoru.lucky.xiaoru/

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